Best Hair Loss Treatment in Singapore

best hair loss treatment singapore

Hair loss is a major concern for many people. It can occur in both men and women, usually caused by genetics, stress, aging, medications, and poor nutrition.

It can be treated with medication or surgery, or you can also go for a hair transplant to solve the problem permanently.

But if you’re looking for the best hair loss treatment, there are many clinics in Singapore offering treatment for hair loss, but not all offer the best treatment option for hair loss.

What are Hair Loss and its causes

Hair loss, or sometimes called alopecia, can affect your entire body or simply your scalp. It might be caused by genes, hormonal changes, medical issues, or just aging. But, men are more likely prone to hair loss than women.

Further, excessive hair loss from the scalp is commonly referred to as baldness. The most prevalent cause of baldness is your genes as you get older.

The fun fact is some people prefer to leave their hair loss untreated. They choose to just accept it, or they use hairstyles, cosmetics, caps, and scarves to conceal it. However, others choose to fight for it. They look for various treatments to prevent additional hair loss or to restore hair growth.

And we’re sure since you’re on this page reading our article, you’re one of those who wish to prevent or restore hair growth.

Don’t worry; there’s a lot of things in store for you here so, read on.

Types of hair loss

Alopecia, like any other major concern of people, has different types. To better understand what these are, we’ve provided you with a brief description of each of the hair loss types.

  • Involutional Alopeciaa is a normal hair loss syndrome that occurs as people become older. The remaining hairs get shorter and fewer as more hair follicles enter the resting phase.
  • Androgenic Alopeciaa is a hereditary disorder that may affect men and women alike. When it happens to men, it’s called male pattern baldness. When it happens to females, it’s called female pattern baldness.

Male pattern baldness is a disorder in which men lose their hair as early as their teens or early twenties. A receding hairline and progressive hair loss from the crown and frontal scalp describe this condition. Female pattern baldness is a disorder in which women do not detect thinning until they are in their 40s or later. Women’s hair thinning affects the whole scalp, with the crown seeing the most hair loss.

  • Alopecia areata is a condition that affects children and young adults and causes patchy hair loss. This disease can lead to total baldness (alopecia totalis). However, the good news is that hair regrows within a few years based on people who have experienced it.
  • Alopecia Universalis causes all body hair to fall out, including the eyebrows, eyelashes, and pubic hair.
  • Trichotillomania is a psychiatric illness in which a person pulls out his or her hair. It usually happens with Children.
  • Telogen effluvium is a temporary hair thinning that occurs on the scalp due to changes in the hair’s development cycle. Hair loss and thinning can occur when a significant number of hairs reach the resting phase simultaneously.
  • Scarring alopecias cause permanent hair loss. Scars from inflammatory skin illnesses (cellulitis, folliculitis, acne) and other skin problems (such as some forms of lupus and lichen planus) may prevent hair from regenerating. Permanent hair loss can also be caused by hot combs and too tightly braided and tugged hair.

Signs and symptoms

You can experience hair loss in a variety of ways, depending on the cause. It might happen to you abruptly or gradually. So, here are the signs and symptoms you should look out for.

The top of your hair becomes thinner. This is the most prevalent form of hair loss, which occurs as individuals become older. Hair begins to recede near the hairline on the forehead in males. In most cases, women’s hair has a broadening of the part. A receding hairline is an increasingly frequent hair loss trend in elderly women (frontal fibrosing Alopeciaa).

You can notice some circular or patchy bald spots. You might be losing hair on your head, beard, and eyebrows in circular or spotty bald areas. Another to watch out for is that your skin may become itchy or even painful before hair eventually falls out.

You suddenly lose hair. Hair might loosen due to physical or mental trauma when combing or washing your hair, or even after light pulling, a few strands of hair may fall out. Hair thinning is common with this form of hair loss, although it is only temporary.

You start to have full-body hair loss. Hair loss can occur due to some medical diseases and treatments, such as chemotherapy for cancer. If hair loss is caused by some of these medical diseases and treatments, hair normally regrows on its own.

You experience scaling patches that extend throughout the scalp. This is a ringworm symptom. Broken hair, redness, swelling, and leaking are all possible symptoms.

When to consult your hair loss expert?

Hair loss of certain types should be closely monitored. There’s a considerable difference between losing a few hair strands each day and losing more hair than growing in. If you’re having trouble with the latter, you’ll need to see a hair loss expert right away. They can assist in the diagnosis of various types of alopecia as well as preventative and treatment options.

Best Hair Loss Treatment Options in Singapore

There are effective treatments for certain forms of hair loss. You might be able to stop or at least slow hair loss down with these treatments. Remember. However, that hair may also recover without therapy in some circumstances, such as patchy hair loss (alopecia areata). But in most cases,  medications and surgery are two options for treating hair loss.


Many individuals are aware that men may purchase shampoo containing the chemical minoxidil. Minoxidil, formerly known as Rogaine, is used to treat androgenic alopecia in both men and women.


Transplanting hair follicles from the sides and back of the head to the top of the head is one approach to counteract hair loss. This operation has changed throughout time. Today, hair grafts are known as follicular unit hair transplants, consisting of one to four hairs that are transplanted relatively close together for a more realistic appearance.

But there’s one of the best hair loss treatments in Singapore that we can recommend that works best. Why do we think it works? That’s because they combine science and technology with traditional and natural methods in treating hair loss. And when science and nature combine, results are 100% effective.

This treatment is called Bjoin Hair and Scalp Treatment. And you can receive this treatment only at Reternhair Centre.


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