Understanding Alopecia Areata: A Comprehensive Guide for Patients

Hair loss in the form of alopecia areata.

Alopecia Areata: A Common Type of Hair Loss Alopecia areata is a prevalent form of hair loss affecting millions worldwide. While the sight of a bald patch can be alarming, understanding the condition can help in managing it effectively. Here’s a comprehensive guide on alopecia areata. Alopecia areata stands out as one of the most […]

Alarming Early Signs of Balding

signs of balding

What is balding? Have you experienced losing hair over the years? Don’t worry because it’s natural to lose a small amount of hair from your scalp every day. But, if your hair is thinning or shedding faster than usual, you may be balding. You’re not alone though because hair loss affects the majority of people […]

Understanding Dandruff: Causes, Remedies, and Care

men with dandruff in his hair, closeup

What is Dandruff? Dandruff is a common scalp condition characterized by the shedding of dead skin cells from the scalp, often appearing as white or grayish flakes. It is typically accompanied by an itchy scalp and can affect other areas with hair, like eyebrows, beard, or mustache. Dandruff can result from factors such as excess […]

The Best Hair Loss Treatment Options in Singapore: A Comprehensive Review

Hair examination in the clinic.

Hair loss can be a distressing issue, and finding effective treatment options is crucial. Singapore, known for its advanced medical facilities and diverse approaches to healthcare, offers a wide range of solutions for individuals dealing with hair loss. In this comprehensive review, we will explore the best hair loss treatment options available in Singapore, drawing […]

Hair Thinning Causes You That You Must Know

Hair Loss Problem

We’re going to talk about hair thinning causes since hair is the crowning glory of every human being. One’s appearance is judged by the quality of hair. Hair plays a vital role in enhancing one’s personality and makes him/her look attractive. Unfortunately, there are many people who suffer from this problem of hair thinning and […]

Proven Guide to Hair Loss from Stress & How to Prevent It

hair loss from stress

Most of us are really stressed out, especially during this time of global pandemic but is there any truth to claims that there is a feasible link between stress and hair loss? Here is a step by step guide to preventing hair loss from stress: What Is Stress-Induced Hair Loss? Less hair on your head […]

Hair Loss in Pregnancy: Anxiety or a reality?

hair loss in pregnancy

Many women experience hair loss in pregnancy, but it can be a confusing topic for expecting mothers. Is hair loss normal during pregnancy? What causes hair to fall out? Will my hair return after I give birth? The following article will answer these questions and more. You may have been gifted with a thick and […]

The Dangers of Itchy Scalp Stress

itchy scalp stress

Our lives were remarkably affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and a lot of us face challenges that can be overwhelming and cause itchy scalp stress in adults and children. More often than not, these stress and anxieties affect the way we look, especially our hair. Many people, especially in Singapore, attribute itchy scalp and other […]

Anxious why your hair is oily hair follicles

oily hair follicles

Have you ever experienced having oily hair follicles? No worries. The hair produces an oil called sebum that is released into the hair shaft. That’s why when you experience oily hair, it’s probably normal. But, some people experience excessive oil in their hair. And this is a common problem, especially in Singapore. There are many […]

Hair Tonic

oil cosmetic bottle on water waves background 2021 09 03 06 29 57 utc scaled 2

Pamper Your Hair with Hair Tonic for Clear, Shiny Hair Hair tonic can be used to give your hair a nice shine. It can also help you style your hair the way you want it to be styled. Many people use hair tonic these days because it makes their hair look good, and they feel […]