Anxious why your hair is oily hair follicles

oily hair follicles

Have you ever experienced having oily hair follicles?

No worries. The hair produces an oil called sebum that is released into the hair shaft. That’s why when you experience oily hair, it’s probably normal.

But, some people experience excessive oil in their hair. And this is a common problem, especially in Singapore.

There are many reasons for oily hair. One of the most common causes is too much sebum production, which is a result of hormones and genetics. Sebum production may also increase as a result of having oily skin and scalp, not washing your hair often enough, and not using products that help remove oil from the scalp and hair shaft.

In this article, we’re going to help you understand oily hair so you can avoid it and achieve healthy hair. If you’re up for it, then read on.

What makes your hair oily?

As a means to nourish your scalp and preserve your hair, your hair generates a specific quantity of sebum or oil. As such, your hair type, hygiene practices, and other lifestyle aspects all influence how much oil you create.

Basically, what we mean to say is, that it’s your scalp itself that makes your hair oily. And it’s natural.

How your body produces sebum

As you know, the sebaceous glands create sebum, which is an oily, waxy material. This hydrates and protects your skin by coating it with a protective layer.

But how does the sebaceous gland produce sebum?

Well, it’s quite a complicated process but allow us to explain it in simpler terms. In science, sebaceous glands produce sebum through a process called Holocrine secretion. You have to remember that each sebaceous gland is connected to a hair follicle.

Now, the glands generate lipids, which stay inside the sac-like glands for approximately a week before erupting and enabling sebum to flow freely into the hair follicle.

The hair then wicks the oil onto the skin to lubricate and protect it.

How to check if your sebum is too much

We have established that it’s natural for your hair to become oily. The science behind, which we talked about earlier, is the one responsible. What is unnatural is for your hair to become excessively oily. Because definitely, anything that’s “excessive” when it comes to your body, is bad.

So, the next question is, how do you know if sebum is too much? Experts say that a shine on the skin surface is a sign that you might be producing too much oil. Moreover, people who have oily skin may find that their pores appear wider and that their skin is greasy or glossy.

Hair type, lifestyle habits, and other factors may cause your hair to be more oily.

Now, you might be wondering what causes your hair to produce more oil than it needs?

As mentioned, your hair type may be causing your hair to be more oily. For instance, straight hair is more prone to accumulating oil than curly or wavy hair. Oil flows straight down the hair shaft and gathers all over your head since the hair shaft has no structure or wave.

In addition, lifestyle habits may also cause your hair to become oily. The food you eat, and the lack of exercise in your routine, make your hair produce more oil than it needs to.

Other factors which contribute to more oil in your hair include genes, overwashing your hair, or using different shampoo products that contain lots of chemicals.

The thing is, use hair products that minimize Sebum production while not leaving your hair dry and brittle

7 ways to get rid of oily hair follicles

  • Shampoo daily
  • Be gentle
  • Condition carefully
  • Hands-off
  • Go dry
  • Clarify
  • Avoid products adding moisture

On a final note

Conclusion: Oily hair is a common problem faced by many people. The good news is, it’s not difficult to fix this problem at all. By following the tips mentioned in this article, you can take control of your hair and make sure it stays healthy and well-nourished. To learn more about hair care, follow us on Facebook or Instagram today!


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